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Commission/Sub-Commission Team
(1503 Procedure)
Support Services Branch,
Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Subject: The case of Mr. N. , Mr. K. Mr. F.and many other teachers

Dear Sirs,

Many thanks for your reply to my complaint in accordance with the 1503 procedure of the Commission Human Rights. The graduation ceremony and the entrance ceremony are held in March and coming April 2005. I am wishing the disciplinary action etc. not to be repeated again over the unison at national anthem of Japan. I would like you to recommend that the freedom of the conscience is never violated in accordance with the human rights rule and Universal Declaration of Human Rights from the United Nations to Prime Minister Koizumi and governor of Tokyo Ishihara by all means. I greatly appreciate that you would reply to me on this matter.

Respectfully yours,






Commission/Sub-Commission Team
(1503 Procedure)
Support Services Branch,
Office of the High Commissioner for

Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Subject: The case of Mr. N., Mr. K. Mr. F. and many other teachers

Dear Sirs,

I enclose a complaint about the case of the above-mentioned.

Victims of the alleged violations, in accordance with the 1503

Procedure of the Commission on Human Rights.

Respectfully yours,

Complaints concerning Human Rights to be Submitted to UNHCHR


Indicate, by ticking the appropriate box, in which capacity you are acting:

 victim of the violation or violations described below

 representative of the victim or victims of the violation or violations described below

 person, group of persons or organization with reliable knowledge of the

violation or violations described below

 in another capacity. Specify...................



Name of the country considered by the author to be responsible for the alleged violation


Human rights allegedly violated (refer, if possible, to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)

...Article 19 of the Constitution of Japan(freedom of thought and conscience )...

Article 1 of the Japan Fundamental Law of Education(the educational purpose)

...Article 18, 19 and 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights........

...Article 5, 12 and 14 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child...........

Facts of the claim

The high school teacher Mr. N of Osaka-shi was acting as the teacher in charge of the graduation ceremony in the spring of 2002. The contents of the graduation ceremony were decided by the executive committee which students and the staff of school constitute. But, just before the ceremony, they were changed by the principal. Contrary to a student’s mind, “the Rising-Sun flag hoist and the singing of Kimigayo were incorporated. The students couldn’t be convinced to a sudden change and the signature activities by the students were performed. However, the principal forced the graduation ceremony, and the opinion of the students and the staff of school were disregarded. The teacher Mr. N. explained at the graduation ceremony as below. “ It was decided by the staff meeting that we do not do Kimigayo at the event of our school. You stand -- You don’t stand ? You sing ? You don’t sing ? You leave ? don’t leave ?Please judge according to your conscience. “ After then, Mr. N. covered caution disposal from the Osaka board of education by having explained the freedom of the conscience secured by the constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, etc. in intelligible language.

On the basis of the “government guidelines for teaching” which the Ministry of Education defined, the principal and the Tokyo board of education emitted the Rising-Sun flag and the Kimigayo forcible command at a graduation ceremony. In spring 2004, teacher Mr. K. and 245 staff of school of Tokyo were punished by the Tokyo board of education for reasons of un-standing up at the time of singing of Kimigayo. Several teachers were canceled from the Tokyo board of education for reasons of disposal in the new reemployment and continuation reemployment which already determined after retirement, and they lost the job. Furthermore, the Tokyo board of education performed “service accident recurrence prevention training” to the disposed person in August 2004. To instruction of the national flag and a national anthem, victims thought that they wanted to be one human being first. They thought that a teacher also had the responsibility which protects the fundamental human rights of the child and parents whom the constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights set. So, they thought and took action that they could not be concerned with school activity which makes infringement of the child’s rights foreseen in school education. Although the national flag and national anthem law was enacted in August 1999, it was only defined in the text of the law that the national flag was decided to be the flag of the Rising Sun, and the national anthem was determined as Kimigayo. The law cannot serve as a basis which stands up “Kimigayo” and forces a chorus. Moreover, the “government guidelines for teaching” defines the standard about educational contents and an educational method. It is clear as the language of “guidelines” that it is the administrative guidance which cannot have legal force. Therefore, the command of the principal who deviated from such a legal interpretation , and the notification of the board of education are infringing on the freedom of the thought and conscience secured by the constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Mr. F., retired from the Itabashi high school in Tokyo two years ago. He was invited to the graduation ceremony of the Itabashi high school on March 11 , 2004. He felt the question for the state of the graduation ceremony based on the notification of the board of Tokyo capital education this year. Then, before the ceremony started, he distributed the report of the magazine about singing of Kimigayo(National anthem), and he said in a guardian seat, “ If you can do at the time of singing of Kimigayo, please taking a seat.” Consequently, he was leaved compulsorily by principals. And the principal appealed to the Itabashi police station. The Metropolitan Police Department mobilized ten or more investigations, and investigated the Itabashi high school. House criminal investigation for Mr. F’s family was performed on May 11, 2004. A series of occurrences are the personal remarks which are the retaliation to 250 of 270 graduates having taken a seat at the time of singing of Kimigayo at the Itabashi high school.



What steps have been taken to exhaust domestic remedies (recourse to the courts or other public authorities), by whom, when and with what results?

Mr. N. and other person asked the Osaka Personnel Commission for withdrawal of disposal , and caused statement of disagreement in May 2002. The disposed person of Tokyo submitted “the statement document of administrative disposition suspension of execution” to the Tokyo District Court in July 2004. As long as results, such as a petition to the past public organization which asks for disposal withdrawal , and judgement at a court, are seen in the same case, it is not effective for victims to aim at solution in Japan.

The police report of Mr. F. is sent to the prosecuter. The police was disregarded although the lawyer went and protested against the Itabashi police station to the summons. Although defense counsel complained to the Tokyo District Court, they were rejected. If the search warrant of a summary court and the agreement protocol of a district court are seen, the fact is distorted.



With the influence of UNHCHR, I want UNHCHR to ask the Japanese government to cancel the caution disposal of the two staff of school of Osaka and the 246 staff of school of Tokyo , and make a reemployment person’s return to work. The victims showed before the student that the freedom of conscience ,the freedom of religious and freedom of thought were in an educational place. They showed in the attitude that there was a right which should be guaranteed by the constitution. I think that the compulsion by the national flag and the national anthem does not become the study which studies educational universal worth. Children see the staff of school’s back, and may study social worth. Disposal of the prudent staff of school is not only the staff of school’s labor problem. In order to extend a view of the world and to build peaceful international society, we need to make the school education which studies the difference between nationality, a race, religion, and thought mutually. The crime of the educational administration which disposed by stepping on at an educational place and making a picture step is serious.

I also urge UNHCHR to put pressure onto the government so that the violations to Mr. F. shall be stopped.

- End -







日本国憲法 第十九条 (思想及び良心の自由)

日本国教育基本法 第1条


世界人権宣言   第十八条 第十九条 第二十六条 (2)

子どもの権利条約 第5条 第12条 第14条










 国内救済のために取った措置について --裁判所、その他公的機関への訴え--だれが、いつ、その結果を記入のこと。






投稿者 管理者 : 2005年02月12日 00:30


