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Be honest and don't promise anything you can't hold.

Together for APU
 ∟●A good night’s sleep?

A good night’s sleep?

We would usually believe that the ones employed and set to manage a university (APU) should act as idols and set a good example for students. Is this a good example?

1. Give a bunch of language teachers promise of job security if they come to APU from their previous jobs, giving the impression that their contracts will be renewed for sure.

2. Let them go after a few years, denying that any promises or impressions of the long-term employment was ever made.

Maybe the university by the president has a legal right to end their contract, but I doubt those people who were responsible for hiring the teachers can sleep well at night. Breaking a promise, or even give people the impression that they will gain something they won’t, and then deny everything, is maybe not so uncommon in today’s world. But it’s not a way to gain respect from students and peers (and absolutely not a way to improve Ritsumeikan’s bad reputation regarding labor policy).

With the new terms in place, it is predicted that the quality and level of language education in APU will go down, and so we got one more thing we don’t have to thank the management for. Why can’t they learn that it is the quality that makes a university good - not the quantity.

Maybe we can learn one important lesson from this: be honest and don’t promise anything you can’t hold - then you can avoid ending up in the same situation as the poor management here.

投稿者 管理者 : 2006年02月05日 00:23


