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The Problem of the new textbook for Japanese history prepared by the Society

 ∟●The Problem of the new textbook for Japanese history prepared by the Society

The Problem of the new textbook for Japanese history prepared by the Society

This is an explanation prepared mainly for the people of Southeast Asian nations, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore on the issue of publication of the new textbook for Japanese history (hereafter referred to as メthe Textbookモ). It was written by and under the direction of the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform (Atarashii Rekishi Kyokasho wo Tsukurukai, hereafter referred to as メthe Societyモ). Although we are aware of the fact that Korean people and Chinese people have suffered greatly because of the Japanese invasion, this explanation focuses on Southeast Asian countries that suffered greatly under the Japanese occupation during the World War II.

(Note: See page shows the relative page in the English translation of the Textbook which is obtainable from the Web site: http://www.tsukurukai.com/ of the Society.)

As its conclusion, the Textbook makes an argument as if the Pacific War or the Asia Pacific Warモ was waged as the war of survival and of self-defense for Japan and also as the war of the liberation for Southeast Asian nations by the Japanese people, who are also of the yellow race, from the colonial control of the white race. The Textbook ignores or underestimates the damages on Southeast Asian peoples who had suffered under the Japanese occupation.

The reasons for the above conclusion are as follows:


投稿者 管理者 : 2005年08月09日 00:06


