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 ∟●Ritsumeikan University

 上記URLは,外国人教員に対する日本の雇用差別大学一覧(ブラックリスト)。下記のStay away from this school.が生々しい。

NAME OF UNIVERSITY: Ritsumeikan University (Private)
LOCATION: Kita-ku, Kyoto
EMPLOYMENT ABUSE: IIn the bad old days (job advertisements dated 2001 and 2002), Ritsumeikan offered jobs exclusively for foreigners entitled "Native-speaker Full-time English Language Instructors" (a roundabout way of saying gaikokujin kyouin, which by definition were job posts reserved for foreigners, and by design with inferior job conditions and no permanency). Ritsumeikan used to append a "Jokin" ("full-timer" in Japanese) title to the job status to make it look more secure, but it was never the same as a "Jokin" post a Japanese would get. Now, as of 2006, the pretense is gone--and "shokutaku" positions ("Shokutaku Full-Time English Language Instructors (SFLEI)"--true temporary work status, with as much power as custodial workers in abusive places like the Prefectural University of Kumamoto) are now clearly delineated. And for more languages now--Chinese and Spanish as well as English. Ironic is the fact that Ritsumeikan still wants these temporary workers to have university teaching experience and high qualifications (they dropped the PhD requirement--no wonder--but still TESL/TEFL, CALL, TOEFL/TOEIC, and enough Japanese language ability to perform administrative duties), yet refuses them any job security. Moreover, the post demands a heavy courseload of ten classes per week, including holiday periods, for surprisingly low pay (dramatically lowered, compared to 2001 and 2002 job announcements), on one-year renewable contracts clearly capped at four renewals (frowned upon by both the Ministry of Education and the Labor Standards Law). Note also that requirements for social welfare deduction will mean that more salary will never be fully returned (thanks to the vagaries of the pension systems) if candidates stay beyond three years. Ritsumeikan is, in the Blacklist monitor's opinion, still prevaricatingly playing with contractural wording to lure oblivious candidates. After all this double-standarding and double-talk, and complete refusal to improve things whatsoever (quite the opposite) even after years of blacklisting, The Blacklist recommends you
Stay away from this school.

NAME OF UNIVERSITY: Asia Pacific University (a division of Ritsumeikan University, also blacklisted) (Private)
LOCATION: 1-1 Jumonjibaru, Beppu City, Oita Prefecture, 874-8755
EMPLOYMENT ABUSE: Contract employment with caps. And they will enforce them in court. Let's quote the university: "In relation to the demand for a preliminary injunction in order to preserve the position outlined in the employment contracts of former full-time Japanese language lecturers originally hired in April of 2002 and who had fulfilled their 4 year period of employment, the Oita District Court (presiding judge: KAMINO Taiichi) handed down its verdict on November 30th, unequivocally dismissing the suit launched by the former lecturers. The Court in its ruling confirmed that Ritsumeikan, in its efforts to improve language education at APU, was both reasonable and had cause in abolishing the positions within the lecturer system in order to plan for the creation of a new lecturer organization. As to whether the decision to halt the employment of the lecturers was fair and just, the Court ruled that:

1.There was no truth to the allegation that Ritsumeikan, at a Japanese language workshop held in 1999, had indicated that it would endeavor to allow full-time Japanese language lecturers to extend their period of employment should they wish to do so.
2.That it was possible to infer that expectations for a continuation of employment stemmed from the 1999 Japanese language workshop, yet there was no reason for such expectations.
3.That the employment contracts in question (for full-time lecturers) outlined an employment period of 4 years (the period of guaranteed employment), that the contracts provided a period of employment of 1 year, and that although this touched upon Article 14 of the former labor standards law, it was appropriate in this case.
4.That in accordance with the completion of the period of employment, the decision to halt the employment of the former lecturers did not constitute abuse of the right to dismissal.

The Court acknowledged that the response of Ritsumeikan was fair, and thus summarily rejected the former lecturers' demand."

投稿者 管理者 : 2007年01月17日 00:00


