■社会権規約委員会:日本に対する第 3 回総括所見
■関西圏大学非常勤講師組合、『非常勤の声』2013.7.6 第36号
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights E/C.12/JPN/CO/3
Concluding observations on the third periodic report of Japan, adopted by the Committee at its fiftieth session (29 April-17 May 2013)16. The Committee is concerned at abuse of fixed-term contracts by employers as well as at the vulnerability of workers with such contracts to unfavourable conditions of work, in spite of the incentives offered by the State party encouraging employers to use the same system evaluation and qualification for all employees irrespective of the nature of their contracts. The Committee is also concerned at cases where employers avoid the conversion of fixed-term contracts into open-ended contracts, as introduced under the revised Labour Contract Act, by not renewing them. (arts. 6, 7)
The Committee recommends that the State party take measures to prevent the abuse of fixed-term contracts, including by establishing clear criteria applicable to them. Referring to the State party’s obligation to ensure equal remuneration for work of equal value, the Committee also recommends that the State party monitor whether the system of financial incentives achieves the objective of preventing unequal treatment of workers with fixed-term contracts. Furthermore, the Committee calls on the State party to strengthen and monitor the enforcement of the Labour Contract Act so as to prevent that contracts of fixed-term workers are unfairly not renewed.
16.委員会は、契約の性質に関係なくすべての被用者について同一の評価・能力認定制度を活用するよう促す奨励策を締約国がとっているにも関わらず、使用者によって有期契約が濫用されており、かつ、有期契約労働者が不利な労働条件を課されやすい状態に置かれていることを懸念する。委員会はまた、使用者が、有期契約を更新しないことにより、改正労働契約法で導入された有期契約から無期契約への転換を回避していることを懸念する。(第 6 条、第 7 条)