




A Statement by Concerned Faculty and Staff of Sophia University Denouncing the Forced Passage of Security-related Legislation and Demanding the Rejection of These Bills
(As of July 25, 2015: still being updated)


On July 16, 2015 the Abe Cabinet forced a total of eleven security-related bills through the Lower House. An overwhelming majority of constitutional law scholars and many Japanese citizens believe these bills to be unconstitutional, and the number of people speaking out in opposition to the passage of these bills is growing day by day. The forced passage of the security-related bills amidst such protests can only be described as a reckless act that shakes the very foundation of constitutional government and threatens the future of democracy in Japan.

At the core of Sophia University’s educational ideal lies the Christian spirit that encourages humans to seek truth and value. This unconstitutional legislation will allow Japan to participate in war, threatening individual dignity and fundamental human rights. This is incompatible with the mission of this university, which is embodied in the meaning of our name “Sophia:” “the wisdom which is expressed in ethical activities that further the goals of human existence.”

In the wake of the Manchurian Incident, the drums of war grew stronger within Japan with each passing day. In the spring of 1932 several Catholic students at Sophia University were said to have refused to pay reverence at Yasukuni Shrine as part of their military training. In response, the military authorities recalled the commissioned officer assigned to the university, jeopardizing the university’s very existence. As the suppression of religious and academic freedom increased, students from Sophia University had to go to the battlefields.

With “the spirit of Sophia” in our hearts, we, the below-named members of the Sophia University faculty and staff, together with all Sophians who seek to defend constitutional government and democracy, denounce the forced passage of the security-related bills and demand their rejection.

連絡先: sophiapeaceadvocates@gmail.com

July 31, 2015
Concerned Faculty and Staff of Sophia University
Contact: sophiapeaceadvocates@gmail.com

Signed by

青木研(経済学部) 赤羽研三(文学部) 赤堀雅幸(総合グローバル学部) 秋山真一(外国語学部) 飯島真里子(外国語学部) 飯野友幸(文学部) 稲葉奈々子(総合グローバル学部) 井上茂子(文学部) 伊藤毅(国際教養学部) 大澤正昭(文学部) 大竹靖(課程センター) 荻野美佐子(総合人間科学部) 小此木潔(文学部) 片山はるひ(神学部) 加藤幸次(総合人間科学部名誉教授) 川島緑(総合グローバル学部) 私市正年(総合グローバル学部) 鬼頭宏(経済学部名誉教授) 北島玲子(文学部) Bettina Gramlich-Oka(国際教養学部) 黒川由紀子(総合人間科学部) 小山英之(神学部) 權田菜美(グローバル・コンサーン研究所) 斎藤玉緒(理工学部) Sven Saaler(国際教養学部)  進藤美津子(外国語学部名誉教授) 澤田稔(総合人間科学部) 島薗進(グリーフケア研究所) 鈴木雄雅(文学部) David Slater(国際教養学部) 高岡詠子(理工学部) 高橋暁生(外国語学部) 高見勝利(法科大学院) 竹内修一(神学部) 竹田陽介(経済学部) 伊達聖伸(外国語学部) 田中幸子(外国語学部名誉教授) 田中雅子(総合グローバル学部) 谷洋之(外国語学部) 田渕六郎(総合人間科学部) 田村梨花(外国語学部) 寺田勇文(総合グローバル学部) 寺田俊郎(文学部) 東郷公德(外国語学部) Kate Wildman Nakai(国際教養学部名誉教授) 中野晃一(国際教養学部) 中村愛音(グローバル・コンサーン研究所) 長井伸仁(文学部) 根本敬(総合グローバル学部) 幡谷則子(外国語学部) 服部隆(文学部) 林道郎(国際教養学部) 福井直樹(外国語学研究科言語学専攻) 福武慎太郎(総合グローバル学部) 北條勝貴(文学部) Vincente M. Bonet(文学部名誉教授) 松本尚子(法学部) 丸井雅子(総合グローバル学部) 三浦まり(法学部) 光延一郎(神学部) Angela Yiu(国際教養学部) 横山恭子(総合人間科学部) 渡邊久哲(文学部) David Wank(国際教養学部) 渡邉英司(学事局)
